Organizational Development for Future-Proof Workplaces
Nowadays, flexibility is one of the most important keywords when discussing future- proof workplaces.
I believe that life wants to succeed in you.
If you have the courage to face where you are now and decide to take steps towards a more positive future, you're in the right place.
I value my clients' ability to progress at their own pace, on their own path, and with a sense of satisfaction as they work toward their goals. To support this, I offer a broad range of tools, including solution-focused methods, Gestalt, transactional analysis, personality typologies, systemic constellations, and various models from my experience as a trainer. Additionally, I integrate presence, active listening, meaningful storytelling, and even humor into our sessions. Alongside coaching, I work with focusing-oriented and body-conscious methods, representing focusing-oriented coaching in Hungary.
„I knew coaching before I started to work with Kriszta, I had experienced the efficieny and advantages of this method earlier, too. Kriszta helped me cope with the initial difficulties and challenges when I started to work in the organization as a new manager. She supported my onboarding process, and supported me in resolving conflicts. Kriszta always facilitated the kind of dialogue where I could find my own answers to my dilemmas. It was very useful for me that Kriszta had a different perspective on my situation. She asked questions I would probably never have asked myself, and always made me think. The tools and methods she applied always contributed to my development.
During the sessions Kriszta succeessfully created a confidential and warm atmosphere. With empathy, discretion and openness she always found how to build the session so that it best helped in solving my problems. Based on my experience I recommend her with full confidence.”
Lilla Rados
Head of Capex Management Center, Magyar Telekom Nyrt.
“Kriszta is a precise, well-prepared, and open professional. Thanks to her personal charisma and honesty, our collaboration took place in a very relaxed atmosphere, making it easy for me to open up. This made it possible to easily identify the areas that were truly worth focusing on. And of course, the work became much more effective, with Kriszta making it more dynamic with countless tools and methods. I really enjoyed the hours spent together; it was truly a great experience to develop with her and through her. I can’t wait for the continuation!”
During the sessions Kriszta succeessfully created a confidential and warm atmosphere. With empathy, discretion and openness she always found how to build the session so that it best helped in solving my problems. Based on my experience I recommend her with full confidence.”
Dr. Mária Németh
Lead Legal Counsel, TESCO-GLOBAL Zrt.
„I had been President of the Hungarian Somato-Psychoterapeutic Association for a year when I started to work with Kriszta. She worked with us as a coach and organization development specialist. She helped me in fulfilling my leadership tasks, finding common ground with my colleagues, and also helped us as a team to create our way of efficient cooperation.
My most important experience with Kriszta was that she has the ability to create an open and humane atmosphere almost instantly. In such an atmosphere it was easy to talk about the characteristics that hindered our organization’s operation and resulted in role conflicts. I have experienced Kriszta as a fully prepared and reliable helper, with a great emotional capacity to bear difficult situations. I recommend her whole-heartedly to anyone who is looking for such help.”
Árpád Kántor
President of Hungarian Somato-Psychoterapeutic Association
We worked with Kriszta and Anna for almost six months using the Watson Coaching action-oriented methodology with my team. During and after the sessions, as a leader, I noticed that we were able to connect more easily, and communication among team members became more transparent and smooth. The most useful aspect of the methodology, in my opinion, was its 'team-building' function, which provided a space for team members to discuss things beyond just operational or work-related issues – we often considered it a real 'team-building' experience.
Kriszta and Anna continuously consulted with us to tailor the sessions to our needs and issues, for which we are very grateful. Kriszta and Anna's expertise, experience, and attention to detail helped create an environment where the team felt comfortable opening up. Thank you!"
Dorina Práger
Global CM Conformance Specialist and Budapest People Services Manager, France
Sanofi Business Operations Budapest Center
"I found Kriszta during a search without any recommendations. Her opinion on change and what she represents seemed very human and accessible to me. Once we made contact, this impression was confirmed, enhanced by her professionalism.
When it came to the pace and direction of our conversations, she was always extremely flexible. I got to know her as a coach who has a sharp eye and truly paid attention to me, more than I expected, for which I am very grateful.
During each session, she didn’t provide omnipotent solutions, but rather offered perspectives and directions. She placed a strong emphasis on helping me recognize who I truly am and what’s important to me. Following these directions, I was able to arrive at solutions based on my decisions, which I felt 100% ownership of.
During our discussions, she began to practice these directions and thought processes with me. This made it much easier to remember these "patterns" and recognize them in different situations. Whatever decision I ultimately made, it brought the same peace and, in many cases, positivity into my life, just like the spirit of our conversations.
In light of this, I wholeheartedly recommend working with Kriszta. I believe that together, you will also achieve great things!"
Dániel Major
Maintenance Coordinator, P&G
"I must admit, as an old-fashioned and elderly person, I didn't really believe in coaching. I completed a test and didn't expect any follow-up until Kriszta Medgyesi called me. I liked her voice on the phone, which was only confirmed by our first meeting.
The result of our meeting and introductory conversation was that I became curious about the continuation, the method, and Kriszta. This activity can only be successful with mutual sympathy, and I feel that this was there from the very beginning, although I’m not the type who easily makes friends.
I love talking and telling stories, so I give serious challenges to anyone who wants to steer me in any direction, but Kriszta succeeded. She did this with kindness and professionalism, which made it impossible to be upset with her.
I learned a lot from her about self-esteem, the methodology of moving forward, and regaining self-respect. She completely changed my approach to job hunting, handling “job interviews,” and my demeanor.
I am very grateful for her work, thankful that I got to know her, and for everything our conversations gave me."
János Rosta
"I would like to highlight three things about Kriszta, based on our work together, which far exceeded all of my expectations:
1.) Her ability to listen is unparalleled. I have never met anyone who could listen so sincerely, openly, and with loving acceptance to every word and subtle nuance of another person. I couldn't even imagine – and it was an amazingly good experience to be listened to in this way! Kriszta is so truly 'present' in the process, with her full attention and love, that simply talking with her is a unique experience! This is an incredibly good, uplifting, and empowering foundation for finding solutions.
2.) She is incredibly sharp. Her true professionalism, advanced training, and sharp eye immediately notice the essence of things. She detects deeper, inner, hidden impulses, motifs, and power lines in much less time than any professional I have met before. This allows her to help extraordinarily effectively and in a very short amount of time.
3.) She is extremely correct and ethical. She possesses such a stable value system and inner strength, handling different matters in such an incredibly correct manner, that I was just amazed: does such a person really exist? And yes, she does! It’s her!"
Cecília Szűcs
"I was looking for solutions to a big problem, and a few emerging smaller ones, when I found Kriszta. I went to her with some doubt, unsure whether coaching was even suitable for anything, and particularly whether anything could be achieved in just a few sessions.
After six sessions, and following the conclusion of the coaching, I can now confidently say: the method works, and it is indeed effective in just a few sessions to address ingrained habits, false beliefs, some lack of self-confidence, and self-esteem issues in a way that the confrontation with myself became a truly unique adventure, and I even enjoyed it.
Of course, this required Kriszta's personality, knowledge, sensitive attitude, and helpful approach. I can wholeheartedly recommend her to anyone, even to those who think they don’t need it at all. :-)"
Kriszta Hegedűs
"Working with Kriszta felt like time had stopped, and during this time, I was able to calmly and safely start putting together the puzzle of my own self and my professionalism. She allowed me to find the pieces myself but didn’t let me force mismatched pieces together."
Kriszta's selflessness is impressive, and it created great trust in me, making me feel that she was sharing everything with me that could benefit me, preparing me for the corporate environment."
Balázs Bőtös
"Each session with you was special, not only for my personal development but also from a coach's professional perspective.
With your help, I managed to bring the 'new' Eszter and the 'old' Eszter closer to each other, accepting that both have a place in my life, and now they walk hand in hand.
The images we painted together continue to live on and help me maintain awareness, acceptance, and support in dealing with emerging questions. Through your methods, I was introduced to new perspectives that generated deep understanding and acceptance. My professional dilemmas also smoothed out, and with your questions and encouraging support, I was able to move past them, for which I am very grateful.
I met an excellent professional in you. The softness, openness with which you work, and the space you give to the client are truly inspiring. I always felt safe, able to share my doubts honestly, and I feel that my uncertainty and internal conflicts have reached a point of calm, not just on a cognitive level, but also emotionally.
From here on, it's up to me to take action, but without this process, I would have had much less chance. If I do get stuck, I know who to turn to.
Once again, thank you for the opportunity, I think of you with a grateful heart. :-)
Dr. Eszter Fodor-Marosújvári
Fészek Coaching
"In Kriszta, I have encountered a confident, emotionally rich, and empathetic focusing trainer. She quickly adapted to my individual requests, and every focusing session was meaningful. I received the supportive and accepting atmosphere that made the group focusing experience exponentially more alive than individual sessions."
Nowadays, flexibility is one of the most important keywords when discussing future- proof workplaces.
It’s crucial to understand our core operating patterns and assess whether the strengths that once brought us success are now hindering our ability to feel good.
A Fókuszolás Eugene Gendlin Amerikában élő filozófus és pszichoterapeuta nevéhez fűződő módszer. Egy olyan, bárki által végezhető, speciális beszélgetés, ami segít a testünk és a gondolataink „párbeszédében”.
I support you to be safe to imagine and embrace the person you want to become!
I help you to take yourself into account in your decisions and (literally) feel good!
Typically, it consists of 6–10 solution- and result-oriented sessions. Sessions are usually 60 minutes long, occasionally 90 minutes – we agree about the framework. They are held at a frequency of up to once a week or at least once a month.
We start coaching sessions and development processes by discussing which methodologies suit you best. You can opt to use assessments that provide deeper insights into your leadership style (e.g., ARPe©, Hogan), general functioning (e.g., Profiles XT, GPOP™, DISC), motivations (e.g., Business Motivators, Profiles XT), energy management, and burnout levels (e.g., PersonalGuide). These tools help you better understand your resources, areas for improvement, and support you in making better decisions.
If you choose, these assessments can also be applied later in the process with your team as well. This allows you to discover new perspectives, provide supportive and constructive feedback to one another, and make decisions about what kind of team you want to become and how you want to interact.
Clients often share the following feedback about me:
I believe their words describe the experience most authentically — check out the testimonials! 😊
These are group development processes based on specific methodologies. For teams working together, it’s called team coaching. For group members with similar goals but who don’t work together, it’s called group coaching (eg. Mid-managers or experts of a multinational company).
When is group coaching helpful?
"One of life’s most beautiful compensations is that no one can sincerely help another without also helping themselves." (Ralph Waldo Emerson).
This is one of the greatest strengths of group coaching: participants not only learn from the coach but (and most importantly) from each other, while gaining the emotional support they need — all while every participant grows.
Typically, groups consist of 4–10 participants. The methods I use range from shorter (even 2- hour) sessions to longer (half-day or full-day) and combined processes. I hold certifications in solution-focused (brief) team coaching, Action Learning team coaching, and Watson (action-oriented) team coaching, tailoring processes to the group’s situation and needs.
"I met Kriszta during a program organized by my company, which aimed to support female leaders. Before we started working together, I must admit I had some doubts about the program. I wasn’t sure how the coaching sessions would go, as they were held online.
During the 'meetings,' Kriszta helped me understand and approach workplace problems and challenges from a different perspective, and to find the method that worked best for me. I appreciated how her questions encouraged me to think and look at situations in a way that was different from my usual approach. After every session, I felt emotionally and mentally rejuvenated as I tackled the 'homework' assignments.
I was really drawn to Kriszta’s personality and attitude, and we immediately found common ground. Every session was filled with a great atmosphere. She is a kind, open, and excellent professional. I wholeheartedly recommend her; it was a wonderful experience working with her."
Anna Szabó
Manager, Hilton London Canary Wharf
„We have recognized Kriszta as an outstanding professional, when she delivered our team building programs. Thanks to her positive, friendly and conscientious personality, she easily connects with all the participants.
Her trainings are composed of various and interesting exercises that make us learn a lot about ourselves, our colleagues and the organization as a a whole.
She diagnoses group dynamics efficiently, and she supports us all through the way to our own solutions. I highly recommend Kriszta to everybody who is willing to develop their own personalities during the journey to success.”
Péter Szögi
General Manager, Hotel Zenit BUDAPEST Palace ****
"We worked with Kriszta on an organizational development process. Kriszta assessed the organization, provided us with feedback on the results, and together we determined the development goals and steps. We initiated an organizational development and culture-building process, including workshops, individual and group coaching sessions.
With Kriszta's preparedness, energetic, positive, and humorous personality, she easily engaged every team member in the development process. We were able to work on ourselves while also enjoying the process. What was useful for us:
Dóra Mészáros
Bio Garancia Ltd.
"When I met Kriszta, I was an individual entrepreneur working on numerous unresolved professional goals, and I had no idea how they were related to each other, or even to me. I had lived in three different places, each 1500 km and 120 km apart, and somehow, I just couldn’t make a decision about where I truly belong, where and how I wanted to live, or what steps I needed to take to make it happen.
We agreed on eight coaching sessions—this was all the time I had to define the next steps, develop a medium-term life plan, and the result still amazes me! I realized that I didn’t want to live abroad, that I couldn’t respect myself in my previous situation, so I left my relationship and moved back to Hungary. I established a priority order between my professional and financial goals, and I managed to create a joyful life that fully respects my individuality, personal preferences, and opportunities, one that is truly authentic in every way."
Éva Győrffy
"From the very first moment, Kriszta created such a safe and confidential atmosphere that I knew I was in the right place, 'in good hands.'
In every second of our meetings, she focuses on me, my thoughts, my feelings, and my needs, and she often perceives them perfectly without words. In this way, she helps me see and uncover deep, hidden things that I might never have recognized otherwise, in a very short time. With her questions and precise observations, she helps me understand the blockage – and this almost happens incredibly quickly thanks to her.
After the realization, she always provides me with several possible paths and a wide range of tools to help me move forward. She offers the opportunity to choose the one that resonates most with me, which fits my needs, my situation, and my pace.
After our meetings, I truly understood why the term 'safe change' best describes what Kriszta offers, and she does this through truly effective and enriching conversations."
Fanni Tujner
"Kriszta was recommended to me by a dear friend. I read the recommendations on her website, and since I saw that others described her as very empathetic, I decided to seek her help with my almost overwhelming career change dilemma.
I trusted that I would be in good hands and that I would finally receive effective help.
Right from the first session, it became clear that I was indeed in good hands. She almost seemed to see into my soul, which helped create a safe environment and made me want to continue working with her.
Each session was hard work, and we made great progress in a short time. Kriszta is extremely attentive with endless empathy, and that’s exactly what I needed.
And the result? Boosted self-confidence and a new career opportunity, along with the immense happiness that it all came together in such a relatively short period of time!
I am truly grateful to Kriszta and continue to recommend her to everyone!"
Judit Tarnai-Moldován
"Thank you, Medgyesi Kriszta!
Thank you for helping me recognize the path I don't have to walk, the one that doesn't have to hurt.
I recommend Kriszta!
With her questions and intuition, she guided me to decide which direction I want to go and what is important for me! During our sessions, I sometimes cried, but she always managed to make me think deeply, and in a focused way, she helped me see the connections!
I wholeheartedly recommend Kriszta to anyone who feels stuck, overwhelmed, or doesn’t know where their path lies and wants to make a change! A change in myself, in my attitude, in my life, and therefore in my future.
With Kriszta, it works!"
Ilona Várkoly
"I am very grateful for this process; in fact, I won doubly from it.
On the one hand, as I mentioned, your gentle kindness completely enveloped me every time, which made me feel that I would let you into my inner little world, even if I were otherwise much more reserved. It was amazing to experience the momentum I gained after each session, and I looked forward to sharing the progress each time. I learned a lot about myself and my relationship with myself. Focusing is an interesting experience, and I think it can be truly liberating. It also taught me to pay more attention to physical signals because if I feel something in my stomach, it may not be from the food I ate, quite the opposite...
On the other hand, as a coach, it was also great to see and experience how a professional works. In fact, I even saved a few great sentences for later use. Also, now I know how to close a process :-) Thank you for the journey!"
Anita Bálint
"In Kriszta Medgyesi, I have encountered an empathetic, approachable, open, professionally well-prepared, and conscientious focusing guide. She is someone you can trust yourself to and dare to reveal your imperfections and weaknesses.
Kriszta’s trust and energetic approach frame many of my personal experiences, as during the focusing sessions, it feels as if, with her support, I am getting closer to my innermost self.
The essence of focusing, for me, is precisely that I do not expect someone to give advice or suggest solutions to my problem while experiencing the failure of not having been able to solve it on my own.
Instead, it provides space, time, and a safe framework to draw from my own resources, allowing me to align the conflicting, ambivalent feelings and thoughts within me during the focusing process.
Kriszta can be a supportive, non-judgmental, encouraging, and empathetic partner in this process, which is why I warmly recommend her to anyone wanting to experience focusing."
Éva Deliága