Krisztina Medgyesi PCC, coach

Get on your own map!

I support you to be safe to imagine and embrace the person you want to become! 

Safe change

I believe that life wants to succeed in you.

If you have the courage to face where you are now and decide to take steps towards a more positive future, you're in the right place.

Safe change
My services

Who and how can I help?

Safe change

For leaders
to achieve their goals

Safe change

For leaders to develop their teams

Safe change

For individuals, to support their own journey

Safe change

For coaches and support professionals, helping them to nurture their mission

Listen to my radio report on supporting change!

Safe change
About me

Krisztina Medgyesi, PCC

Coach, Trainer, Organizational Development Expert, Mentor Coach, and Coach Supervisor

I value my clients' ability to progress at their own pace, on their own path, and with a sense of satisfaction as they work toward their goals. To support this, I offer a broad range of tools, including solution-focused methods, Gestalt, transactional analysis, personality typologies, systemic constellations, and various models from my experience as a trainer. Additionally, I integrate presence, active listening, meaningful storytelling, and even humor into our sessions. Alongside coaching, I work with focusing-oriented and body-conscious methods, representing focusing-oriented coaching in Hungary.

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Current events and publications

Safe change

Focusing-Oriented Coaching

A Fókuszolás Eugene Gendlin Amerikában élő filozófus és pszichoterapeuta nevéhez fűződő módszer. Egy olyan, bárki által végezhető, speciális beszélgetés, ami segít a testünk és a gondolataink „párbeszédében”.

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professional background
Safe change
for those who want to become better leaders

You are a leader seeking support for your own journey

Safe change
For leaders with team

You are a leader who wants to improve your team or organisation

I support you to be safe to imagine and embrace the person you want to become!

I help you to take yourself into account in your decisions and (literally) feel good!

Safe change
Life coaching for individuals

You want to be more connected to yourself as a private individual

Safe change
For coaches, helping professionals

As a helper to support your own professional activities

Frequently asked questions

What Makes Change Safe in the Coaching Process for the Client?
  • A stable set of values characterize my work, where ethics and confidentiality are essential components. I follow the ICF Code of Ethics.
  • We begin the process by discussing its framework and "ground rules," ensuring transparency — no unpleasant surprises.
  • Throughout the process, we consciously work to establish the emotional safety needed to achieve your goals.
  • You determine the depth and pace of the process.
  • I use methods and an approach that support growth without causing harm.
  • I’ll ask you what makes the process safe for you, and we’ll do it that way.

Typically, it consists of 6–10 solution- and result-oriented sessions. Sessions are usually 60 minutes long, occasionally 90 minutes – we agree about the framework. They are held at a frequency of up to once a week or at least once a month.

We start coaching sessions and development processes by discussing which methodologies suit you best. You can opt to use assessments that provide deeper insights into your leadership style (e.g., ARPe©, Hogan), general functioning (e.g., Profiles XT, GPOP™, DISC), motivations (e.g., Business Motivators, Profiles XT), energy management, and burnout levels (e.g., PersonalGuide). These tools help you better understand your resources, areas for improvement, and support you in making better decisions.

If you choose, these assessments can also be applied later in the process with your team as well. This allows you to discover new perspectives, provide supportive and constructive feedback to one another, and make decisions about what kind of team you want to become and how you want to interact.

Clients often share the following feedback about me:

  • I’m very good at creating a sense of safety.
  • I pick up on things in conversations that offer new perspectives on their issues.
  • Their inner voice becomes stronger, and they "feel more themselves."
  • They leave sessions feeling energized.
  • There’s a lot of warmth in how I interact with them.
  • Many are amazed at how much they can change and improve their lives during a coaching process.

I believe their words describe the experience most authentically — check out the testimonials! 😊

These are group development processes based on specific methodologies. For teams working together, it’s called team coaching. For group members with similar goals but who don’t work together, it’s called group coaching (eg. Mid-managers or experts of a multinational company).

When is group coaching helpful?

  • You are at a similar level within your organization and face similar topics or challenges:
      • Leadership challenges
      • Work-life balance
      • Resolving project blockages
      • Burnout prevention
      • Female leadership
      • Integrating returning mothers or new colleagues.
  • Continuing to deepen skills gained during a training.
  • Learning from each other’s knowledge and experiences.
  • Seeking support during a change process.
  • Looking for tailored, situation-specific solutions while leveraging group knowledge.
  • Reducing stress levels and boosting motivation.
  • Realizing you’re "not alone": others face similar challenges, and you can provide meaningful methodological/emotional support to each other.


"One of life’s most beautiful compensations is that no one can sincerely help another without also helping themselves." (Ralph Waldo Emerson).

This is one of the greatest strengths of group coaching: participants not only learn from the coach but (and most importantly) from each other, while gaining the emotional support they need — all while every participant grows.

Typically, groups consist of 4–10 participants. The methods I use range from shorter (even 2- hour) sessions to longer (half-day or full-day) and combined processes. I hold certifications in solution-focused (brief) team coaching, Action Learning team coaching, and Watson (action-oriented) team coaching, tailoring processes to the group’s situation and needs.

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Safe change

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