Safe change
For leaders with team

You are a leader who wants to improve your team or organisation

How does it work?

Coaching process to support organisations

People are what hold systems together. A successful organization, as a system, depends on individuals who are not only able to work well together but also truly want to do so. It may sound simple in theory, but in practice, it’s not always easy!

Signs that team development might be needed:

  • Team roles and expectations are unclear, and there’s a lack of clarity on what good performance looks like.
  • You’re undergoing a change process and need support to navigate it.
  • You have a vision, strategy, and necessary norms in place, but you want to align your daily operations with these goals.
  • You feel stuck on the path toward your objectives.
  • Trust has decreased in the team; open discussions about challenges, feelings, or the team's performance are difficult.
  • Energy levels are low. When you enter the room, there’s a heavy sigh; leaving it feels like a relief 😊.
  • Information flow isn’t working well. Important news comes not through official channels, but by the coffee machine or in the hallways.
  • You’re a well-functioning team that wants to become exceptional.

Methods for Team and Organizational Development:

With the following methods, we can effectively identify barriers to collaboration and elevate your team’s performance. After an initial needs assessment conversation, I’ll recommend the best method and process for your team or organization.

  • Collaboration Development: We improve team performance through exercises and engaging scenarios that highlight and reshape team dynamics and relationships among members.
  • Team Coaching, Group Coaching: According to the ICF, team coaching is a co-created, reflective partnership that enables the team to gain deeper insight into its dynamics and relationships. Through this coaching process, team members maximize their capabilities and potential to reach shared goals. Targeted development on key challenges, with impactful results!
    bevonásával, hatékonyan!
  • Training Programs: Skill development essential to team performance, with experiential learning (practice + reflection). Popular topics include conflict resolution, effective communication, time and energy management, leadership development, and more.
  • Organizational Development Process: We build high-performing organizations. This development process involves assessing not only systems and processes but also organizational culture. The goal, inspired by Harvey and Brown’s definition of OD, is to enhance the organization’s capacity for problem-solving, adaptability, and renewal.

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Who and what else can I help?

Safe change

For leaders
to achieve their goals

Safe change

For individuals, to support their own journey

Safe change

For coaches and support professionals, helping them to nurture their mission